The ultimate steak with mushroom sauce

James Smith The Tattooed Butcher
Instagram @tattoed_butcher
2 x 1.5inch cut porterhouse/sirloin steaks
4 x large mushrooms chopped
2 x sprigs of rosemary
100g butter
1 cup of milk
1 tablespoon corn flour
2 tbsp cracked pepper
Sea salt
Culleys pitmaster beef rub
- Remove steak from fridge and let it get up to room temperature, then rub the culleys pitmaster beef rub on
- Heat skillet directly over coals until it reaches around 300©
- Place 100g of butter into the pan along with your rosemary and mushrooms, add the steak once the butter has reduced down to a golden hot liquid.
- Sear the steak for roughly 90 seconds per side
- Remove the steak from the pan then place on the opposite side of the coals
- Add 1 cup of milk, cracked pepper, a sprinkle of salt and the corn flour to the hot pan and stir for 60 seconds. Once all ingredients have bound together move the pan away from the coals and shut the lid on your BBQ. Cook for a further 8-10 mins for a medium steak
- Open the lid and remove your steak from the BBQ and let it rest for 5mins before slicing and serving.
- Your mushroom sauce should have thickened up by now and it should just need a good stir before serving with your steak