Culley’s - named after owner and founder Chris Cullen, a playful nickname now crafting its way as a household brand around the globe. Chris’ passion for all things hot started from a very young age and saw him creating hot sauces for friends and family neatly branded with his trusty potato stamp. Fast-forward 20 years. After a lengthy career as a chef, and much encouragement from his mates, Chris decided to turn his passion into a business, Culley’s was born! Now stocked in major supermarkets and good food retailers throughout New Zealand, Australia and USA, you’ll also find your favourite Culley’s sauces in some of New Zealand & Australia’s most popular restaurants. As an ex-chef, Chris’ creativity is endless. Whether it’s new sauces, fine recipes or getting back in the kitchen for the benefit of family and friends, Chris’ boundless enthusiasm and drive is what will see Culley’s continue to challenge and make their mark on the world hot sauce stage.