Sticky Orange Nuggets - Culley’s Kids Sauce Outrageous Orange 

Sticky Orange Nuggets - Culley’s Kids Sauce Outrageous Orange 


  • 240g of plant based or regular nuggets (or dinosaur nuggets).
  • 1/3 cucumber cut into slices 
  • 1/2 carrot peeled into ribbons 
  • 250g cooked White rice (use packets of 90sec rice if in a hurry) 
  • 75ml Culleys outrageous orange chilli sauce for kids 
  • Premixed 8 tbsp of water w 1 tbsp cornstarch 
  • Chopped spring onion and white sesame seeds to garnish


Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius and line a baking tray. Bake the nuggets for 20min or until golden and crispy. Meanwhile, prepare the cucumber and carrot. Just before the nuggets are almost finished, heat a frying pan up on medium heat. Pour in roughly 75ml of Culleys outrageous orange chilli sauce for kids and the premixed 8tbsp of water with 1 tbsp of cornstarch. Stir until combined and thickened. Add in the nuggets and coat with the sauce, fry for a further 2 minutes on each side. Heat the rice just before you are ready and plate up with ¾ cup of cooked white rice, cucumber slices, carrot ribbons, 2-3 sticky orange dinosaurs and garnish with sesame seeds and chopped spring onion. 

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